Become a Picture Book Pro
Picture Books - The Inside Story
Are you interested in creating picture books, for professional publication or for personal pleasure? Join award-winning illustrator Sarah Davis for an intensive three hour workshop covering the basics of picture book writing, illustration, design and publishing.

Keynote Speaker - RIVPAT Conference
I've been invited to talk about my work, and also discuss the ways that picture books engage readers and bring them "Back to the Library", and how they are relevant to the HSC topic of "Discovery".

National Writers' Congress: Live & Reactive
I'll be at the Australian Society of Authors National Writer's Congress taking part in an interactive panel showcasing the work of multimedia artists. We'll be discussing the pros and cons of working with digital media. I'll be focusing mainly on my dimensional illustration work for Sounds Spooky, and my digital painting for commercial projects such as the American Girl books. The congress looks as though it's going to be extremely interesting, so don't miss out on tickets!

Illustration workshop: Finding your visual voice
To tie in with Book Week and The Brisbane Big Draw, I'll be running a three hour masterclass designed to help you discover and develop your unique illustration style. An intensive workshop centred around hands-on, practical exercises that will help you identify your illustration superpowers and harness them to work for you, whether you're an established illustrator wanting a fresh perspective on your work or a newcomer just setting out and trying to build a portfolio. This session builds on and complements skills learned in previous workshops on visual narrative and character development, although it's not necessary to have attended these.
Please bring a current sketchbook, colour copies of 5 finished illustrations you have done (please don't bring originals) and your favourite drawing materials.
Click here for more info and to book

CBCA Brisbane Book Week Dinner
I'm delighted to announce that Juliette MacIver and I will be doing an all-singing, all-dancing double act at the Brisbane CBCA Book Week dinner. Sword swallowing! Fire-eating! Death-defying stunts and derring-do! Or at the very least, a hearty discussion of ducks, Toucans, rhyming and scribbling. See you there!

Illustration Masterclass at CYA Conference
I'll be running a three hour character design workshop at the CYA Conference in Brisbane. I'll be talking about how to create expressive human and animal characters with verve and personality. This will be a hands-on intensive workshop, so bring your favourite sketching gear, limber up those pencil-holding fingers and prepare to work hard and have fun - and hopefully learn stuff.

LIANZA Awards Evening
LIANZA (Library and Information Association of New Zealand) Awards ceremony, held at the National Library of New Zealand, Wellington. Marmaduke Duck on the Wide Blue Seas is shortlisted for the Russell Clarke Illustration Award