What to expect when I visit your school

I regularly give talks and workshops to all ages, from infants to adults. My sessions are lively, silly, interactive and stimulating. I'm just as comfortable singing songs, imitating animals and acting like an idiot with PreK as I am discussing how to harness the power of the formal elements of art to create visual narratives with Year Twelve.  I was a secondary school teacher before I began illustrating, so am very comfortable managing and engaging large groups of students. 

I run sessions which are fun, inclusive and energetic, with lots of audience participation. I discuss the process of illustrating a picture book, showing roughs and works in progress, and the basic principles of character design, composition, and constructing a visual narrative.

organising Sessions:

Sessions work best when divided into year groups or stage groups, so that I can choose age-appropriate activities.  I prefer hour long sessions (even for the kindy kids - I usually find they stay engrossed right to the end!) and I include three sessions in my day rate - extra sessions are possible if you require them. I adapt my sessions to meet the different needs of each age group.

Pre K and Stage 1: The focus is on having fun, thinking about telling stories with pictures, and learning about how books are made, with lots of interactive, high-octane audience participation and a big dose of silliness.

Stage 2: I start to introduce some more technical ideas about the process of illustration, and give them handy drawing tricks they can use in their own work, with the focus on creating expressive characters.

Stage 3: We get a little more in-depth, discussing how visual narratives work and exploring how some of the formal elements of design such as shape and composition help enhance the emotional impact of images, again giving them a range of strategies they can use in their own drawing. 

Students can draw along with me, even in big groups. This really does help them get the most out of our time together. Each child will need

  • at least 3 sheets of A4 printer paper

  • a sharp lead pencil

  • a book or clipboard to lean on (sketchbooks or art books are a good alternative to the printer paper)

  • Please make sure all children are equipped with these before they come into the session, so that we don't lose time trying to distribute them. 

During the last 15 mins of each session, we invent and illustrate a story together. I draw using an ipad, projected up on to the big screen so that students can see the drawing take shape. Once the drawing's finished, you can print out copies and use them as colouring-in sheets and starters for creative writing exercises. You can see (and download and use!) some of the pictures I've done with various school groups here.

If you have anything you'd really like me to focus on, or any special requests, just get in touch via email or feel free to phone me on 041 4938261. I'm happy to try almost anything and accommodate any suggestions - so long as you don't want me to ride a unicycle or wrestle a grizzly bear. 

Equipment needed: 

  • A data projector or interactive whiteboard that I can plug my ipad into, with an HDMI port and cable
    My ipad needs to be next to me when I'm presenting (rather than down the other end of the hall!) because I'll need to access it during my presentation.  
    Before I arrive, please make sure all the equipment is working and make sure all connection cables, remotes etc are there. 

  • A working microphone if I'll be speaking to a big group (more than 80 kids) or if the acoustics are not so great. 

How to prepare:

Teacher-librarians are experts at creating a buzz around books, and it's such a delight to visit schools where the kids are already familiar with some of the books I've illustrated - so if you get a chance to read even just one or two of them prior to my visit, it really helps build their enthusiasm and sense of connection.  I know time is limited and the schedule is very full, though, so don't worry if you can't manage it. 

If you would like some images to print out to put up around the school or add to notices/newsletters, feel free to use any of the images on my website.

Links to teacher notes and activities can be found throughout my website, on the page for each specific book, or on my resources page

Book signing

I'm happy to sign books for the library, or any copies that students have brought from home.