The fierce little woman lived in a house at the end of a jetty. She knitted socks in blue and green wool, to sell to sailors who had got their feet wet. But when there were no ships at her jetty, she was quite alone. One stormy day, a pirate came to the house on the jetty. He stood on his toes, and started tap-tap-tapping on the window
The relationship between the two feisty main characters in this book was a lot of wicked fun to illustrate!
The illustrations for The Fierce Little Woman and the Wicked Pirate were painted with Genesis Heat Set Oils on paper.
Shortlisted for the LIANZA Award for Illustration 2011
“An appealing and non-stereotypical love story with a strong female main character... and a pirate! ”
“This poignant story with its strong heroine is a wonderful way for kids to enjoy non-traditional roleplay in a magical setting. Illustrations by talented Sarah Davies do not disappoint, and lend a poignancy and emotion that will truly mist the eyes. Her paintings are utterly magical, and perfectly bring together a story that will remain with the reader . . . hopefully forever.”